Thursday, 10 February 2011

Wind turbines: not in my back yard

Two years ago planning permission for eight wind turbines in the Vale of Belvoir near Bottesford was turned down, much to the delight of the strong protest group who had campaigned strongly against the scheme. Last month, it was the turn of Queniborough residents to celebrate when the Scottish Power Renewable's plan for four turbines close to the village was rejected.
BBC News - Queniborough wind turbine plan is turned down

Now, a group opposed to a plan to put eight wind turbines on the site of the old Asfordby mine are hoping their campaign will be successful. They say the noise created from the turbines will have an adverse affect on the lives of those living nearby. However, Peel Energy, who submitted the planning application last December, argues that the wind farm poses no enviromental problem and the visual impact would be limited within two kilometers of the site.
For the latest on the campaign to 'stop the turbines' click here

It's a tricky issue. We want renewable sources of energy, but not at a cost to our quality of life and our local environment. So, where is the best place for wind farms? What do you think?

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