Monday, 7 February 2011

What green spaces do you value?

Wymeswold Meadows Nature Reserve by Kate Jewell
People in Leicestershire are being urged to have their say on the green spaces they value. The county council wants to hear from people about their favourite green spaces, whether they are parks and meadows or large green wedges between towns.
There are already a number of protected areas in Leicestershire, such as Bradgate Park, Conservation Areas and Green Wedges. The council are particularly interested in hearing about more local areas that are important to people in their community. It could be a small strip of waste land that local children play on, a roadside verge that provides particular wildlife habitat, a village green or public garden, or even large areas of green space between towns and villages.

You can make your views known either by attending your local community forum meeting before the end of March (there will be sessions on green spaces at each one), or by making your comments using the council's interactive, online map of the county.

For more information go to

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