If you enjoy walking and riding in the countryside, or are interested in exploring the local area, you are invited to apply to join the Leicestershire Local Access Forum.
The forum is an independent official body that brings together the diverse views of land owners, farmers, ramblers, horse-riders, cyclists, conservationists and other groups.
Focusing on how people can make the most of the great outdoors, Access Forums were set-up by government to represent all the different fields or areas of interest concerned with public rights of way and countryside access.
Roy Denny, Chairman of the forum, said: "The forum works alongside and advises Leicestershire County Council, and other local authorities and public agencies.
“It helps watch over - and shape the future of – open access land and public footpaths, bridleways, byways, and cycle trails. Anyone who has the time available and who can contribute positively is invited to apply."
Forum members are unpaid volunteers who meet four times a year to debate topical rural and urban access issues, discuss policy and planning proposals, and raise matters of concern.
Lesley Pendleton, County Council Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, said: "The County Council values forum members' commitment and contribution.
For a Membership Pack see the web at www.leics.gov.uk/lafapply email accessforum@leics.gov.uk or phone 0116 305 7655 for more details. The closing date for the current round of applications is January 16, 2012.