Thursday, 1 April 2010

Artworks to be commissioned by Leicester City Council

News has just come to us that Leicester City Council is commissioning 10 new artworks by artists from Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland for display in the windows of empty shops in the city this summer.

The theme is 'Leicester', but beyond that the brief is open for artists, designers and others to create an image for display suitable in the public realm. The work can include visuals and/or text.

Leicester City Council's Arts and Museums Service, city centre director and Creative Leicestershire have joined forces for the scheme, which has won funding from the Arts Council England and the Department for Communities and Local Government's Empty Shops Revival Plan.

Artists who want to take part should submit their application for selection by 21 April. The chosen works will be installed in the city centre shops during June.

For further information on the commissioning brief go to